Home is where your story begins...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

All is well with the Wiechman's!

Just the other day, I and the girls were driving thru town when Jozlynn noticed the "Lincoln" DairyQueen. She said that we should go there sometime to get Ice Cream Sundaes, cuz those would be sooo yummy. I responded with yah someday we should do that and then she said "Now mommy, can you only get IceCream "Sundaes" on "Sundays" or can you get them any day?!?!?! Oh I tell you sometimes the things she can come up with are just simply amazing.

We were busy this past week with doctor appointments. On Thursday Jerzey had a check up with her Cardiologist at St E's. As many of you know Jerzey has "Mild Pulmonary Valve Stenosis", she sat like such a Big Girl during the EKG and while they listened to her heart. We are happy to report that it is still considered "Mild" and they are hoping that as she continues to grow all will continue to stay the same. This is something that will never go away, but hopefully won't require any procedures either as long as it stays in the "Mild" range. Her next check up with them will be when she is 3:)

Then on Friday we went to her 18mth check with Dr Russell. She is now weighing in at 24lbs 3oz and doing just great! In recent weeks her vocabulary has really began to expand and communicating with her is so much fun as she is able to tell us more and more each day what she really wants and how she really feels, she really is such a big girl! Her 2 favorite words without a doubt though, are "mommy" and "blankie" each can be heard at least a thousand times each day!!!

We also talked with Dr Russell about Jozy's Kindergarten Physical which will be sometime this spring. Can you even believe that next year Jozy will be in real school:)

We are all really getting anxious for all this snow to go away. But while we have been cooped up inside Jozy has been really busy coloring sooo many pictures. So if you randomly get an envelope from her in the mail you know why. Oh yah theres also been a couple of times where Jerzey has decided to join in on the coloring fun, except she colored all over her face with marker!

This past weekend on Friday night I and Amber went to the movie "27 Dresses", a definite chick flick that both of us really enjoyed:) Then on Saturday night John and I went out to the Red Fox with some friends. The girls stayed at home with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Bruce, we had a great time as did the girls!

Now we are getting ready for another fun week. This Thursday night is Jozy's school Christmas Program, that's always a good time, so be sure to check back over next weekend for some pictures.....

Hope everyone has a great week. Stay warm:)

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